Friday, May 27, 2011

Excuses Excuses

Why do you do with a ridiculously talented athlete but he/she doesn't want to work for it? It seems like a pretty common issue nowadays.

My particular athlete is one of the best athletes on my team, but is extremely lazy. They have certain events that they specialize in, but as soon as you put them into something else, they walk across the finish line. At practice, they don't put everything into drills and try to shortcut everything. If I walk away and they think I'm not watching, they will come to a complete stop and lie to me about finishing whatever they were doing. During drills, I hear this person complain that it is helping and that it's pointless.

And now we are a week away from state and they are still shortcutting everything. This really bothers me. I hate to say this, but I know this person won't make it to state this year because of laziness.

So what do I do?

You can't rely on natural talent alone.

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